Erin Lyons University
Unlock dazzling dimensions of wealth, love, soul purpose, business, spiritual gifts, and ascension.
Shop Courses
Quantum Money Makeover
Quantum Leap your money with an extensive 3 step financial liberation blueprint : heal limiting money beliefs, become a frequency match to wealth, & learn how to tap into the cosmic vortex of permanent abundance. (40+ trainings all about MONEY!!!)
Priestess Path Initiation
Activate your Divine Feminine Mission : Overcome the fear of being seen, unlock your psychic power, and learn how to align with orgasmic financial success as a priestess CEO.
Blissfully Booked & Busy
The ultimate guide to Quantum Client Attraction : learn how to magnetize dream clients who LOVE buying from you as a spiritual entrepreneur or conscious business owner.
Starseed Awakening
Connect with your star lineage and activate the dormant light codes in your DNA. Remember your cosmic origins and step into your soul purpose as a star-seed.